Thoughts And Encouragement

We all need a little encouragement from time to time so here are some articles that I hope will do that for you.

There are also thoughts about a few things we may have taken for granted and might want to consider.

Kathy Talks About Rope Halters - Rope halters are “in” right now. Seems like lots of big trainers are using them, so they must be great, right? Well, you decide.

Tracey Merrett is a dear friend who revels in the beauties of age. Many of our riders are “of a certain age” and feel they are quite limited. Tracey knows better.

Gold on Gold by Tracey Merrett – Mature riders and seasoned horses find one another and change the rules of “getting old”.

These Hands by Tracey Merrett - Hard work takes its toll over the years, but this horsekeeper is grateful for the experience- and so is her horse!

Return of the Rhythm by Tracey Merrett - One rider’s reflections on how horses change life – for good!

Musings of Gold by Tracey Merrett - The thoughts Tracey believes her 22 year old Thoroughbred, Saint, would record if he were trying to tell about his life on her farm.

Resignations by Tracey Merrett - A mature rider reflects on choices to be made and what they mean – really.

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